» Советы агронома » Trollius europaeus

Trollius europaeus 58 фото

Купальница (Trollius) - YouTube

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Frequently Asked Questions. Do globeflowers spread? The plants spread and fill a space of up to 2 feet depending on the variety.
Trollius europaeus, commonly known as common globeflower or European globeflower, is a clump-forming perennial of the buttercup family that features a late spring to early summer bloom of globular lemon-yellow flowers (to 2” across) atop sparsely-leaved stems rising to 18-24” tall.
All species of the genus Trollius are poisonous to cattle and other livestock when fresh, but their acrid taste means they are usually left uneaten. They are, however, used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including silver-ground carpet.
They are perfectly hardy plants which enjoy fertile soil which does not dry out in summer and will tolerate partial shade just as well as full sun. The flower stems need to be cut back hard after the first flush of flowering in midsummer to encourage more flower production perhaps with an additional liquid feed.
Globe thistle is not officially classified as invasive in any state, but it can self-seed if the spent blooms are not deadheaded—and some species (like Echinops sphaerocephalus) propagate faster than others.
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